There's shiny like a button, and then there's shiny like the sweat on Megan Fox at a car wash. Omega Pacific Link Cams are the latter. They demand to be touched. You've been warned: don't put your nasty bagel-grabbers on one of these solid-single-stemmed beauties up unless you're willing to lay down the lucre.
Link Cams are articulated, with one major axle and two smaller ones on each three-piece lobe. And those luscious lobes are fat to minimize walking in placements, with teeth even for those of you who refuse to believe they don't make a difference. What this means to us knuckle-draggers is simple: significantly increased range and great holding power. The Link Cam #1 allows you to plug-and-pray from .83 to 2.1 inches. That's close to double the range of most other cams of equivalent size. You'll thank every god whose name you can remember from Mythology 101 when you're pumped and need a placement fast, no time for second-guessing size.
They have a smooth-like-buttah trigger, with a comfy grooved thumb-rest and a four-inch Spectra sling, making for easy placements. Link Cams are must-have gear, but this doesn't mean you'll want an entire rack of 'em for two reasons. First, they're heavier than most other models: 6.4 ounces for the #1. Second, they're 'spensive. What you will want is one of each size to save for the last, desperate placement that you can't see yet. Alpinists, this means you too: do you really want to be halfway up Denali's West Rib and find that the last of your three cams doesn't quite fit that splitter?