In these pandemic days face masks are everywhere, but what if you wear glasses and the fogging is driving you nuts? Cozy Noze has a solution with a styling range of full-on neck warmers with a clever twist for glasses wearers, now available as face masks too.
Cozy Noze neck warmers are available in a wide range of cool colors and patterns. They have a fleece bridge across the nose, and under that is a bendable strip that allows you to conform it to your face and nose. As you exhale the warm air that would normally fog your glasses gets trapped and dispersed, and your view remains unfogged.
The system works pretty well, especially for low-output activities like just walking around, bird-watching, photography etc. In these times it also serves as a face mask so you're socially compliant. Speaking of face masks, Cozy Noze has those too now, with the same form-fitting design element for fog-free operation. Bonus for the bearded folk: high-volume versions are available to accommodate your facial hair.