I thought I was happy. I tooled around technical mountain bike trails in perfect contentment, nary a thought given to my saddle. Then I rode the Adamo Peak saddle, and now my happiness overfloweth.
Adamo got its start with big, super-comfy toilet seat style saddles, designed for modern day cowboys, people like bike cops who work all week on their rides. But check it out, Adamo makes a full line of road performance saddles, and because I don't suffer from that particular sickness it took me a while to discover they make a mountain bike model as well: the Peak.
Riding the Peak after a stock saddle is like going from a Camaro to a Ferrari. You thought you were happy with the Camaro, but OMG the Ferrari! I've always been a bit slow to get behind the saddle on tricky descents, but the rounded back on the Peak made it thoughtless. Bam, it just happens, and once you're riding your rear fender your stomach is resting comfortably against the broad back of the saddle. Going forward to climb or side to side on tight singletrack, the Peak feels effortless and very quick.
Like any performance biking gear, comfort is secondary. The Peak does its best by incorporating gel and foam padding, but like a Ferrari the Peak is all about performance, and you'll like it best on varied terrain where you're moving around a lot. If you're looking to upgrade your mountain saddle, the Peak should be at the top of your list. UPDATE: check out the demo program at TriSports.com!